Friday, November 20, 2020

 Hi everyone,

Dave Wolfe, who does Wolfietoons and I have a mutual friend of many years who goes by the name of Springrose. 

Last Wednesday Springie had a birthday. In times past, I have had time to do a birthday toon for her. Sadly I 

can no longer do that so I thought I'd post one of the old ones since some of you may never have seen one. Since

Springie expressed a fondness for cowboys so I selected this one . I hope you enjoy it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPRINGROSE! Phil


  1. This series is one of a long list of Overbarrel favorites! Thanks for re-presenting it! I'm going to link it, maybe more people will be able to enjoy it, too!

  2. Happy Birthday SpringRose. Hope you were well spanked
    Thanks for the fun walk down memory lane with this post.
