Monday, October 26, 2020

In the 4th one an empty nest couple stumbles  onto a young couple getting their relationship off to a good  start. I hope you enjoy all of these, Phil



  1. Would be wonderful to see someone else being spanked, unknown to them that you now know they are spanked.
    bottoms up

  2. If you go out in the woods today, you're in for a big surprise-- the Teddy Bares have their picnic!

  3. I've always found it interesting how little empathy other women - including mothers - have when a young woman is spanked by husband or boyfriend for the first time. If he had socked her on the jaw or hit her hard somewhere else, other women - especially mothers - would have tried to intervene, but even though a bare-bottomed spanking lasts longer and is equally painful, the older women seem to delight in the spankings and side with the man rather than the young woman. Probably because they know it will do her good in the end - pun intended.
