Friday, June 28, 2019

Hi everyone,

While Phil is explaining things to Linda in a very logical manner, her thoughts seem less well thought out....LOL. I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil


  1. interesting that the lecture has yet to begin, and then the spanking. WOW!!! One sore and hot bottom on it's way.
    bottoms up

    1. Hi Red,

      Phil seems to be more interested in getting the results he want and giving Miss Linda a through spanking than he is in speed. Besides, I'm sure he's enjoying the process so there's really no reason to rush the lecture...LOL. Thanks, Phil

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing Linda trying to sit after that spanking ! That will be embarrasing for her and satidfying for Phil!

    1. Hi Glenmore,

      I think the whole process is going to be pretty satisfying for Phil. Not only is he taking his frustrations out on Linda's naughty, bare bottom but he also has the satisfaction of knowing he is meeting her needs. Thanks, Phil

  3. I don't blame her for her lack of coherence. I cannot even think straight when I have got a toothache, and her bottomache must be considerable right now. I almost feel pity for her and hope Phil
    will end the spanking soon - almost.

    1. Hi Christian,

      Yeah, Phil is focusing her attention on what he's doing to her bottom so she doesn't have much concentration left for frills and extras like coherent thought........LOL. Thanks, Phil
