Friday, July 15, 2016

Hi everyone,

Hmmmmm, we seem to have yet another development! I guess it seems logical to our stubborn spankee but the onlookers are having a bit of trouble believing it......LOL. I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil


  1. The women are still not very empathic, and it is a bit hard on Xandra that her spanking is going to get worse because she tried to interfere with it. After all it is her first spanking, and we must all make allowance for that. I'd like some of the laughing and gloating girls to take Xandra's place soon.

    1. You aren't the only one who would like to see some of the other girls get a spanking. As a matter of fact, there are some viewers who would like to see all of them get a spanking........LOL. The onlookers do indeed seem to be enjoying Xandra's predicament but I have to wonder if they don't have more empathy for her than they are letting on? After all, they have all been spanked by their own boyfriends and I have to figure that they are all kind of putting themselves in her place. It's also possible that they all know, at some level, just how much benefit there is to getting spanked for naughty behavior by their boyfriends. Perhaps this is just their way of welcoming Xandra to the club? Thanks, Phil

  2. Big trouble for Xandra now I expect Phil?
    I also expect there will be a lot of red bottoms on display in the ladies shower the next morning!

  3. Hi Glenmore,

    There will INDEED be consequences for this action............LOL. That's an interesting comment about the ladies shower. Wouldn't you love to be a fly on that wall:D Thanks, Phil

  4. Phil,

    Well, just when you think Xandra can’t make things any worse, she goes and commits another spanking faux pas. I guess it’s really not her fault that she keeps making such rookie errors since she’s not at all familiar with spanking etiquette. If this were a sporting event, I’m sure her coach would call for a time out to explain the rules so she wouldn’t keep making things worse for herself, but unfortunately for her, spanking can only be learned through experience, and based on Walt’s level of frustration with her, I have a feeling she’s in for one hell of an experience. The good news for her is that she’ll know better the next time (and the many times after that), and, if she’s smart enough to learn from this, that she won’t make these mistakes ever again!

    I think it’s a good thing Walt has settled in and is enjoying his task because he’s going to be at it for quite a while, given Xandra’s stubbornness, her ability to completely exasperate him, and unwillingness to give in.

    So, what’s Walt to do? My guess is he’s going to pin her legs and give her a flourish of quick, hard swats for being so uncooperative before he gets back on task. He may even decide the time has come for those panties to come down as a way to demonstrate that he’s in control and that she’s in a good position for one thing – and ONLY one thing, and that he’s going to continue to spank her until she learns the lesson he’s trying to impart. This also might be a good time for Walt to give Xandra a short lecture on what he expects out of her if she really her spanking to end.

    I’m not sure if the other girls can hear or are paying attention to Peggy’s observations, but she’s sure got Linda’s attention. My guess is that by the time this is over, between the affects of what they’re witnessing, plus Peggy’s comments, all of the girls are going to be feeling weak in the knees. I think it’s fairly safe to assume that all six bystanders are going to be in for a very intense evening (whether that involves them getting spanked or not), and that their boyfriends are going to be very grateful to Walt and Peggy for getting their girlfriends in such a hot mood.


    1. Hi H,

      You mention that it's not her fault that she keeps making these rookie errors, however, she might have figured some of this out if she wasn't so stubborn and that part certainly is her fault. At this particular time, it appears that Xandra didn't need a coach as she has called for a time out herself......LOL! Unfortunately, that's an illegal move in this case and she will have to suffer a penalty......LOL. As you noted, this is a learning experience for her and she'll probably know better next time. The question is, how long will it take for that stubborn streak to fade away?

      Yeah, Walt has taken to this like a duck to water for sure.......and why not? Just look at the view he has! He HAS to be having fun!.........LOL.

      I have had lots of viewers speculating on just how Walter's going to proceed now and you have some interesting ideas but I think I'll keep that to myself for the moment. We'll be finding out in the next couple of pics anyway:D.

      I liked your comment that all the girls are probably going to have weak knees before this is over. As I think I have mentioned before, I have it on good authority that girls living together in a situation like this really love this kind of public relationship event because they get a certain vicarious thrill from it:D I've had lots of viewers suggest that all the girls may get a good spanking later in the day and I don't know about that but I do have to figure you're probably right about them seeking out their boyfriends before the day is over......HEH, HEH! Thanks, Phil
