Thursday, December 24, 2015

hi everyone,

since Christmas is tomorrow, i thought i'd post this week's installment of  "Family Tradition" today. it looks like our Miss Tina is starting to panic which has caused her to make another mistake........LOL. Steve, on the other hand, correctly sees this as an opportunity for him. i hope you enjoy the new pic. Merry Christmas everyone! phil


  1. Hey! It's only natural for her to try to protect her bottom!
    That's just self-preservation!

    Merry Christmas, Phil!

    1. hi Larken,

      yeah, you're probably right. i would love to see you trying to explain that to your spanker though.......LOL. Merry Christmas! Phil

  2. I agree trying to protect when it's too intense seems to happen organically! Lol
    Hope your Christmas was Merry Phil!

    1. hi Minelle,

      i think you're right............LOL. i did have a Merry Christmas with lots of family around. i hope you had a Merry Christmas too. phil

  3. I agree with the young ladies here - it is a bit unfair to spank a girl more for trying to protect her bottom when the pain becomes intense and intolerable. But since the spanking should be a long and hard one, the reason for continuing to spank her bare bottom is probably not important. The important thing is that she gets the message and learns her lesson.
