Friday, July 3, 2015

hi everyone,

well now............this is an interesting development............and a surprise to everyone.............everyone except Ulysses that is.............LOL. perhaps he really IS starting a new tradition with Vicky?! i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil


  1. I'm going to be a bit of a stinker and suggest that since Tina isn't the ONLY one peeking..... Maybe the consequences should be a FUN spanking for her! Lol
    I'm loving this Phil!

    1. hi Minelle,

      that's an interesting suggestion and one that just sounds like a typical spankee to me...........LOL. however, i wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that to happen. after all, Steve is only watching so he can be a good HOH................LOL. the best part of this whole scenario is Tina's courage and determination to give herself what she needs! i'm glad you're enjoying the toon. thanks, phil

  2. I love Victoria ' expression...I don't think it's because her panties were unceremoniously yanked down but at the sight of the new paddle sitting on the table and how much it will sting! She's going to need a pillow to sit for the next day or two.....

  3. hi Glenmore,

    you might be right! in any case, i think it's plain to her that this time, her bare bottom is in big trouble.............LOL. i'm glad you liked her expression. it seemed appropriate to me. thanks, phil

  4. Hi Phil, I'm very happy with the turn taken by the story, and my frustration (lol) in smoke, seeing the ugly finally the panties drop, ready to receive the spanking paddle with, gives me great joy , and the show does not seem to me that like that, and the expression of Viky is a pure happiness, just before being punished, and Tina savor the moment with delight. it's just delightful. Phil thank you. Vincent

  5. hi Vincent,

    i'm glad you're enjoying the direction my toon is going. also, i think you are in the majority who are glad that Vicky's panties have finally come down.............LOL. it was good of Ulysses to leave them up the first time, but it is time for them to come down now. Tina is indeed savoring the moment and probably moments to come in the spanking too. as for Vicky...............we will be seeing more of what she is thinking as we go along. thanks, phil
