Friday, December 12, 2014

hi everyone,

it looks to me like Steve and Tina have finally reached an understanding...........even though neither of them may totally understand everything that's happened and everything that IS happening to them. i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil


  1. Ah the dichotomy of a spanking....It can settle things and be very erotic!

  2. hi Minelle.

    well said! not to mention that both of those probably come from that domination/submission. of course, that red, sore bottom may be a factor too..............LOL. thanks, phil

  3. Girlfriends and wives sometimes complain that they cannot understand how we can spank them and continue spanking them, when it hurts and they cry - if we really loved them, we would stop when they were obviously in pain, they argue. And that's where they are wrong, a spanking has to go on until they have learnt their lesson, otherwise it is just fun and sexual foreplay. A punishment spanking should bring out tears and repentance, and when it is over we should make up and make love. But even though it should end in love and forgiveness, the spanking should be so har and longthat next time she wants to misbehave, her bottom should send a warning signal to her brain that she had better stop, if she does not want to eat off the mantelpiece for the next couple of days.
