Thursday, November 12, 2020

Hi everyone,

I have talked to many spankees at various groups over the years who have told me that their husbands started spanking them in high school and just kept right on after they were married. Here are two pics I did about that. They are entitled" Then and Now 1967 and 2007".


  1. Delightful ! Wish we had started spanking when dating more than fifty years ago. Love how now her bottom is a little fuller, , still as beautiful, and now it is bared.
    Bottoms up

  2. I have been following Phif I think from his first one he posted. I have enjoyed every one that he has ever done. Yes these were fun to sit and think about. Hal

  3. These are sensationally sexy! I've heard tales about those tails, too, although I didn't get to experience it myself. Maybe I should look up a couple of old high-school girlfriends from forty-six, fifty years ago and see if they want to-- reminisce? :-D
