Sunday, December 27, 2020

Here's a resolution and a promise .

For Auld Lang syne, much to everyone's surprise......and delight......LOL.

Here's a man who is getting started keeping his new year's resolution as soon as the count down is over.....right in front of everyone......LOL.

Her resolution looks like it should be easy to keep.....LOL.

Hi everyone ,

Christmas is over and new years is next. Here's a couple who have a different take on counting down to midnight, to the surprise of their guests......LOL. I hope you enjoy it . Phil

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Hi everyone ,

I have been sending out announcements through my yahoo groups . Those groups have all been closed so there will be no more announcements.......just in case folks stumble on to this message.......sigh. Phil

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Hey Boys and girls ,

Here's a photo I stumbled onto while I was looking through my files. It brought a smile to my face so I thought I'd share it with you . Phil

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

 Hi everyone,

You know Santa is very busy this time of year and in order to get everything done on time he needs to start early. Also, sometimes he needs some help. Here's a toon about that to get the Christmas spanking season off to a good start 😉. I hope you enjoy it. Phil

Friday, November 20, 2020















 Hi everyone,

Dave Wolfe, who does Wolfietoons and I have a mutual friend of many years who goes by the name of Springrose. 

Last Wednesday Springie had a birthday. In times past, I have had time to do a birthday toon for her. Sadly I 

can no longer do that so I thought I'd post one of the old ones since some of you may never have seen one. Since

Springie expressed a fondness for cowboys so I selected this one . I hope you enjoy it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPRINGROSE! Phil

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Hi everyone,

I have talked to many spankees at various groups over the years who have told me that their husbands started spanking them in high school and just kept right on after they were married. Here are two pics I did about that. They are entitled" Then and Now 1967 and 2007".

Thursday, November 5, 2020

 The last one I called "the End Result" I hope you enjoy them all.  Phil

The second one  is titled "Loud and Clear"


 Hi everyone,

Today I am posting  3 single pics. I have no idea why I did these since they are just like  what you might find in one of my stories?? You can tell  they are old from the  small size. Anyway, here they  are. The first one is called "Later, At Home".

Friday, October 30, 2020

 Hi everyone,

Here are the only 2 pics I've  done that are sort of Halloween related. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!

Monday, October 26, 2020

In the 4th one an empty nest couple stumbles  onto a young couple getting their relationship off to a good  start. I hope you enjoy all of these, Phil


 In  the  third pic a young wife looks through an open gate and discovers, to her amazement, tbat her friend and neighbor is in a "Predicament"......LOL