Sunday, September 1, 2019

Hi everyone,

I know some of you have noticed that I did

not post a new pic yesterday and there's a

reason for that. I wasn't home to do it

because I was in the hospital with

Pneumonia, which is not a good thing since

I am 70 years old now.

Of course, there is more to it than this

and I have been holding back much of the

information so as not to put a damper on

everything but I guess now is as good a

time as any to explain.

I may have mentioned that I have some

health problems but it's worse than I let

on. This past January I was diagnosed

with ALS. This is degenerative and I can

do less and less as we go along.

So far I am still able to use Poser and

Photoshop to do my pics but I don't know

how long that will continue. I have tried

to get ahead and have the rest of episode

7 done and most of episode 8.

My strength is failing and I tire easily

but I will continue as long as I can. I am

going to post the next pic soon but I

wanted to get this exclamation done

first. Phil


  1. Hi Phil,

    I normally never comment on blog posts and have lurked all my life. I'm 26 years old and have been a spanko since adolescence, early teens is when I really started to absorb the content that the web has to offer.

    I found your photos on Yahoo groups and was really drawn in by your style, I adore the stories you've created over the years. They are really lovely and sexy! I've grown up with your work and still check in every so often to see how you are doing.

    Having grown up with people like Endart, Banjo, Dave Wolfe, and more - your work is something I'll remember for the rest of my life. I'm sorry to hear about your health problems, but I thought I'd post this message as a bit of a cheering on.

    Thank you for your years of lovely work for the community.

  2. Hi Phil,
    My thoughts are with you. You have no idea how much I have enjoyed visiting your website. Love you so much...

  3. hi Phil;

    Very sorry to hear that you have ALS.

    Thank you for all the wonderful artwork and posts over the years.

    Take as good care of yourself as you can, and do not tire yourself out by posting.

    My thoughts are with you.


  4. Hi Phil,
    at beginning I want to thank you for all the work you were and are doing with blog. Thanks for all comics and pictures, I really enjoy them and that is why I keep coming back. I don't really remember how I found this site. but I am glad I did.
    I wish you everything good, stay strong and I hope your body will keep up with head and let you do everything you enjoy as long as possible. Take care and remember that rest is important too and can be really pleasant ;)

  5. Thanks for your good work and take good care of yourself.

  6. I sit here stunned, and quite sad. I'm so sorry you're having such health issues...Why oh why does the best of us have to suffer. You by chance and rest of us by starving from lack of Phil's stories. You've been a master story/drawing artist for so long. More true talent I've never seen. I for one have lived vicariously for as long as you've shown us your work. Thank you Phil, thank you cartoon Phil and if you ever need your biggest fan, I'm right here.

  7. Hi Phil,

    Just like so many others I never comment on blog posts, but this shall be an exception.

    I'm thankful for all the amazing content you've provided. Your drawings and stories hit a spot with me (and I'm sure countless others) and I am very grateful that you have decided to share your work with us.

    I'm sorry to hear about your health issues and I wish you all the energy in the world to enjoy your life. Know that your art is being enjoyed by countless people all around the globe.

    Thank you. Really.

  8. Phil:

    I wanted to wait awhile before chiming in on the devastating news. I gave considerable thought as to what to say and how to say it; so, I came up with the following. First, I have been following you and your art for, I think, close to 20 years now. I remember when you retired and noticed how remarkably your art progressed as did your story lines and humor. I commented many times, but it is hard to express the amount of pleasure and smiles you brought to this old man, (I'm 73), particularly in the last four years after my debilitating motorcycle accident on Dunes Highway. So again, thank you, for giving so much, to so many, for all these years!!
    Secondly, It's a devastating diagnosis, Phil, and I want to take a moment to extend sympathetic best wishes to you and your family. Medical breakthroughs are happening constantly; and all of us pray that something will arrive like the air cav in Viet Nam; but if it doesn't, I pray you will find the peace and comfort you so richly deserve!!

    Thanks again and good luck,


  9. Hi everyone,

    I would like to respond individually to all of you who have sent their best wishes during this last week but there are too many of them for me to and I really don't have the energy. You may rest assured that I have read all of them and I appreciate the sentiments.

    I also appreciate your comments about my toons. I've always found it rewarding that other folks are enjoying my stories too. It's nice to know others enjoy a romantic story with a little spanking in it....HEH HEH! Hopefully, I will be able to finish episode 7 and 8. Thanks, Phil

  10. They are all fine people aren't they, Phil?

    Which reminds me... I often say that I spent a lot of time in my adult life trying to dope out my interest in erotic spanking and wondering how twisted a weird-o I might be, until came the InterWebs, and the discovery that some of the very finest, funniest, most caring and decent people also liked to play this way. And whenever I've said that, you, my friend, are always first in mind.

    When I was still trying to disentangle from a marriage gone sour, and was taking a disproportionate share of the blame, 'twas you who wrote and said, "we all think you're fine just as you are." Maybe that's not an exact quote, but that was the meaning, and it meant a lot, and was instrumental in my regaining perspective and healing.

    To say nothing of the long line of hilarious and horny cartoons between us! I'm not sure why we should say nothing, except maybe twenty years of cartoons, Poser and pencil and ink, would take a lot of space here.

    Love you, my brother.

  11. I am so sorry... I remember having advertised for O&P on your Yahoo group... We still need to advertise... We now have a blog
    I have always loved your toons :)
    Oh, I am so sorry sending you a cosmic hug

  12. Just found out about your health issues, Phil, and all I can think of to say is that sometimes life just sucks! That being said, medical science is making big breakthroughs every day, and I hope that yours will come soon enough to benefit you. Hang in there, brother, and know that, no matter what happens, you've made a big difference to your fans and others who had the privilege of knowing you.
