Friday, July 5, 2019

Hi everyone,

To Linda's surprise, Phil seems to understand that crying can be a good emotional release for a naughty girl....HEH HEH! I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil


  1. It took a while but finally there goes the flying panties and yes , I'd say her bottom is at least as red as her face now...I'm curious as to what may be in that bag on the floor though , and if it will play a role in her spanking ?

    1. Hi Glenmore,

      Phil is indeed making progress at turning his naughty girl's bottom red and I have every confidence that he will enjoy getting it where he needs it to be....LOL.

      We are all curious about what's in her purse that is suspiciously conveniently located......especially in light of what Lynne had to say in episode 3. We will be answering this question a bit later in the toon. Thanks, Phil

    2. Episode 3 was quite a while ago so will have to refresh my memory Phil....doesn't that feature the delectible Mrs Holmes whose curvy bottom remains unspanked as I recall?

    3. Hi Glenmore,

      The part you are looking for are almost at the end of the episode where Lynne and Phil are talking. If you re read those, it should jog your memory. Thanks, Phil

  2. There is no better way for a naughty girl to assuage her guilt than to have her bottom spanked to tears. It's quite effective at assuring a young lady that her misdeeds have been acknowledged, punished, and forgiven. And afterwards her bottomless state will lend itself to the process of assuring her that she is still loved and desired.

    1. I think your analysis is flawless and is also exactly what Phil has in mind. He knows it's up to him to see to it that this matter gets resolved and Linda's guilt will melt away. I have every confidence that Phil will get his naughty girl where she needs to go. Thanks, Phil

  3. He must have hands of stone to bring tears. However, being remorseful of the reason you are being spanked does increase the chance of tears
    bottoms up

    1. Hi Red,

      I think that remorse you were talking about is exactly the reason Linda is starting to cry. When a naughty girl is brought to tears, it usually is emotional considerations that cause those tears. The physical spanking is just a catalyst to get things rolling, I think. Thanks, Phil
