Friday, March 15, 2019

Hi everybody,

Well, I think that Tom may have achieved his goal for this spanking. I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil


  1. The ladies listening outside must be cringing hearing howls like that!

    1. Hi Glenmore,

      Yeah and perhaps doing a little giggling too.....LOL. Thanks, Phil

    2. .....the giggling will stop when it's their turn and it will be Marsha's turn to giggle.There will be a lot if bottom rubbing tonight!

    3. Hi Glenmore,

      No doubt you are right about that.....LOL. Thanks, Phil

  2. Hi Phil,
    what end of spanking very hard all the same, with Marscha, who screams with all his might, and her very beautiful buttocks that are very beautiful red, I am sharing between the fulness and a feeling of pleasure of a beautiful spanking , and I also think about the reaction of the girls to the outside, who are either horrified or laughter, since that she has already experienced it or she can be too, tired of the future spanking she receives , the whole question is suspended to this story, which can end in many ways, but Phil has the hand that will seduce us is on lol. and I want to say that each toon, at its moment, like a freeze-frame, and that I thank you, for each week make us travel in this way, the expressions of Marscha, like this concern for detail. Vincent

    1. Hi Vincent,

      Yes, Tom is making sure that Marsha is learning her lesson before he lets her up which is just as it should be. I'm sure that Tom is allowing himself to enjoy Turning Marsha's ample bottom red too.....LOL.

      You are right that the girls who are outside the shed today, have had their turn inside while others listened in so they have the full range of emotions as they listen to Marsha howling. I'm glad you're enjoying my pics. Thanks, Phil

  3. Greetings Phil -
    Marsha looks to be at the point of being overdone. I wonder what you plan on illustrating for a conclusion scene or scenes.

    1. Hi Enzo,

      You won't have to wait long to find out. I have one pic planned for Friday and then 2 the following Friday to finish off this episode. Thanks, Phil
