Friday, February 8, 2019

Hi everyone,

Hmmmmm, Marsha seems to be really frantic right now?!? I'm betting she's not EVEN still thinking about what Betty and Shirley are hearing.....LOL. I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil


  1. Marsha sure is making a lot of noise Phil.Pretty soon the whole neighborhood will be coming over for a look!

    1. Hi Glenmore,

      You might just be right.....LOL. I think that neighbors knowing what's going on in that woodshed is the whole idea for having it. Thanks, Phil

  2. When I see I picture like this, I always feel sorry for the naughty young lady in distress, but deep down I know it will do her a lot of good in the end (pun intended).

    1. I totally agree with you and I think Marsha also agrees, although she may not be thinking that right now.....LOL. Thanks, Phil

  3. 584/5000
    Hi Phil, here is a very beautiful picture, where we see the spanking of Marsha, and her naked buttocks receive the paddle, we imagine bein on all the scene, a set on her bottom which is of a very beautiful beauty, and that Tom He appreciates it as much as we do, and Marsha's face and tears, and her cries that go out or those who listen, also participate in the show. a great job. I'm always looking forward to watching the adventure of Marscha and Tom, before the two finish in their bed, for other pleasure. Vincent

    1. Hi Vincent,

      I'm glad you enjoyed the view of Marsha's bare bottom getting paddled! Tom does indeed appreciate this spanking. There are always 2 sides of the lap and if a spanking is properly done, both spanker and spankee will benefit from it. Tom will be continuing Marsha's spanking for a while longer yet so just keep watching. Thanks, Phil
