Friday, March 20, 2015

hi everyone,

things are picking up now and there are all kinds of interesting things going on............with varying reactions.......LOL. if i had to pick just one though, i think i'd have to say Steve is having the most fun at this point. i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil


  1. Oh man, mom is going to regret everything!
    I had to remind myself she deserves every bit of the spanking considering the way her daughters suffered! *wink*
    Love the picture!

    1. hi Minelle,

      indeed she is going to regret everything. i'm glad you were able to remind yourself.............LOL. however, as we go through, i have a feeling that Tina's thoughts will be helping you remember that. i'm glad you enjoyed the pic. thanks, phil

  2. It's hard to believe Vicky is the same person who was handing out pre-wedding advice to Tina a few months ago, since she seems to have no clue about how to act when told by her husband that she is going to be spanked. My guess is that if she keeps this up, having her dress raised will be the least of her concerns because if Ulysses is like most spankers, he won't be satisfied she's learned her lesson until he's vigorously applied that paddle to her bare bottom.
    And since this is about Family Tradition, it would be a fitting ending if Ulysses were to inform Vicky that in the future, if she misbehaves in front of Steve and Ulysses is not available to administer the proper discipline, that Steve has his permission to do so in his stead.

  3. that idea about Ulysses giving Steve permission to spank Vicky is an interesting one. i'll have to keep it in mind for future use. thanks, phil
