Friday, July 18, 2014

hi everyone,

well, here's that hair brush we've all been expecting. Raquel is objecting but it appears that Penny has wisely decided to take care of her own bottom so it looks like Raquel is on her own.................LOL. i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil


  1. Hi Phil, I can't count the times that somebody has fetched the hairbrush to be used on my poor bottom. JJ

    1. I always wonder why other girls are always so helpful when it comes to helping men spank their wives or girlfriends.

  2. hi JJ,

    this must look like a familiar scene to you from that standpoint then. i'm betting this pic brings back some fond memories then. love, phil

  3. All is well. Raquel is getting what she deserves & Penny has got her knickers back.

  4. hi John,

    i agree that all is well and everyone is happy.............although i doubt if Raquel would agree with that right at the moment.........LOL. maybe once the spanking is over and Raquel has a chance to think about it, she may decide that all is well too. thanks, phil

  5. Oh things are moving along in a systematic fashion! Raquel will probably be relieved when the she is finished being spanked. I wonder what the hour will do after.... A nice sit-down dinner??? Yikes!

  6. hi Minelle,

    i too have been thinking about what sort of feelings Raquel will be having an hour after her spanking is over..............especially considering the "interesting" feelings Penny was having. i hadn't thought about a "sit down" dinner though...............LOL. thanks, phil

    1. Gosh I am a dork, I meant what the others will do after... Auto correct is a pain! You were so kind trying to figure out what I meant!

  7. hi Minelle,

    if you can use auto correct at all, you are my hero. i shut the damn thing off on my phone cause it was taking me 10 minutes to send a one sentence text message...............LOL. if they are gonna have a sit down dinner, i hope they stay at Oliver and Penny's house so the girls can have some nice, soft pillows to sit on..............LOL. thanks, phil

  8. Mike was being very masterful. He had sat down on the sofa, squeezing himself between Pamela and me. I made a flippant remark and the look he gave me made my tummy do a double somersault. This was a new feeling for me and I was thrilled to the core. You can watch full video by clicking this link
