Friday, April 28, 2017

Hi everyone,

In today's episode, we are going to take a peek at Barb's paddling........and the results! I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Hi everyone,

Here is the next pic. My wife had surgery and I have been dealing with nothing else for the last 9 days. If any of you have made comments and I haven't replied, please know that I have read all of them and appreciate your comments. I am so far behind, I am not even going to try to get caught up now. Hopefully, I will have more time for replies going forward. Thanks, Phil

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Hi everyone,

I've always thought it's interesting how much difference there is between what naughty girls SAY and what they're REALLY thinking......and feeling......LOL. I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil

Friday, April 7, 2017

Hi everyone,

Xandra wanted to talk to her friends after her spanking, because she was so confused about her emotions and it looks like Barb and Anna are not letting her down. It seems they are now providing Xandra with an understanding of some of the most basic emotions that go along with getting a spanking.......emotions that aren't immediately apparent to a new spankee. I hope you enjoy the new pic. Phil