Friday, April 25, 2014

hi everyone,

Hmmmmmm, bare bottom promises! Now we're making some progress:D. with the possible exception of waxing his car, Penny is promising Oliver pretty much anything she can think of...............LOL. it's all a fascinating process.....................just ask Raquel. i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil

Friday, April 18, 2014

hi everyone,

so THAT's how Oliver was planning on working less while still giving Penny an effective spanking................LOL. i'd say it's going to be more effective emotionally too. i hope you enjoy the new pic. phil

Friday, April 11, 2014

hi everyone,
weeeeell, now, Penny's bottom is bouncing and bucking nicely now and it seems to have caused everyone concerned to draw some conclusions about this spanking. funny how 3 people getting the same information can all draw DIFFERENT conclusions................LOL. i hope you enjoy this episode:D phil

Friday, April 4, 2014

hi everyone,

it appears that Penny's initial shock at finding out that this really IS a spanking seems to have been replaced"other"considerations...................LOL. spankers, do you ever get the feeling that your spankee isn't REALLY listening while you're lecturing her in situations like this?!? i hope you all enjoy the new pic. phil